meryl streep

Watch Video: Meryl Streep Celebrates 70th Anniversary of the Publication of Anne Frank’s Diary

Since THE DIARY OF A YOUNG GIRL by Anne Frank was first published in 1947, the book has been a beloved and deeply admired monument to the indestructible nature of the human spirit, read by millions of people and translated into more than fifty-five languages. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the publication of this

landmark diary, actress Meryl Streep taped a moving video message, sharing with viewers how Anne Frank’s values have shaped her own, including holding on to hope when the world has entered dark times. Ms. Streep recorded this video at the New York offices of Penguin Random House, the publisher of the diary in the United States.  Our ongoing commitment to Ms. Frank’s diary began when Doubleday published the first English translation in 1952.  In subsequent years, BantamAnchor and Doubleday again have also released updated and expanded paperback and hardcover editions of the book. A timeless story discovered by each new generation, THE DIARY OF A YOUNG GIRL stands without peer. For young readers and adults, the book continues to bring to life this young woman, who for a time survived the worst horrors the modern world had seen — and who remained triumphantly and heartbreakingly human throughout her ordeal.