Jeff Kenyon Talks to Us About Designing the "Save Your Stories" PW Cover


Jeff Kenyon

In honor of Banned Books Week, we are excited to present a special Q&A with Jeff Kenyon, Senior Director, Art/Design, Sales Promotion, the talented designer behind the striking cover of Publishers Weekly magazine’s “Save Our Stories” issue, which is dedicated to Banned Books Week. In this insightful interview, Jeff delves into his design inspiration and shares his thoughts on the importance of fighting book banning in our society. His creative vision not only brings attention to the critical issue of censorship but also celebrates the power of stories to challenge, inspire, and transform. Join us as we explore Jeff’s artistic journey and his passionate perspective on the significance of protecting our literary freedoms. 

When you were approached to design the PW cover, what was your initial inspiration?
To visually show as many covers that are being banned today as possible. When you look at the list it really is incredible—all the works that are being taken off the shelves. I was also very excited to learn the cover would be a collaboration with the other five major publishers. Book banning is a political act and our country is in a very serious fight for its future. We all need to come together to make sure the path we take as a nation is still one where everyone has a voice.

What is a favorite element of the design?
Showing the covers bleeding off the edge, inferring there are many other titles not being shown. Hopefully this should give the viewer pause and wonder which those are.

Can you tell us about your relationship with banned books?
Other than following the great work of Skip Dye and Consumer Marketing’s Banned Wagon Tour, my relationship with banned books is going at it from a broader angle. I’m currently very active politically. I joined a political action committee in my town of South Orange, NJ. I’m making calls, filling out postcards, and canvassing on weekends. A few times (with more to come) even in Pennsylvania! We as Americans, who enjoy our freedoms, need to do all we can to keep them. The choice we make in November will definitely affect those freedoms.

What’s one book that you cherish that has been banned today?
Siddhartha by Herman Hesse had an impact on me. I read Herman Hesses’ SIDDHARTHA many years ago when I was just finishing college. I was still finding myself and figuring out where I wanted to go in life. Mr. Hesse helped me to see life is a journey filled with good and bad experiences. Most importantly, I learned that goodness can be found in everyone. I’m still hopeful there is a way forward for goodness in our country and to all those that fear its existence.

Posted: September 23, 2024