Fajardo-Anstine, Ogawa, Vuong Win American Book Awards

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The winners of the forty-first annual American Book Awards have been announced by the Before Columbus Foundation and include three authors published by Penguin Random House imprints: Kali Fajardo-Anstine, Yoko Ogawa and Ocean Vuong.

The American Book Awards were created to provide recognition for outstanding literary achievement from the entire spectrum of America’s diverse literary community. The purpose of the awards is to honor literary excellence without limitations or restrictions. The award winners range from well-known and established writers to under-recognized authors and first works, and they will be formally recognized during an online ceremony on Sunday, October 25.

Our American Book Awards 2020 winners:

Congratulations to Ms. Fajardo-Anstine, Ms. Ogawa and Mr. Vuong as well as their editors and publishers.

To view the complete list of this year’s American Book Awards winners, click here.

Posted: October 1, 2020