The American Library Association Names Skip Dye Honorary Member
The American Library Association (ALA) is set to confer an honorary lifetime membership upon Skip Dye, SVP of Library Sales and Digital Strategy, for his longstanding support to America’s libraries and to intellectual freedom.
An honorary member must be recommended by the ALA Executive Board and elected by the ALA Council. It is the highest honor given by the association and conferred upon a living person whose outstanding contributions have made a lasting impact on librarianship, libraries, and the communities they serve.
At PRH, Skip advocates for libraries, authors and readers in addition to being a fierce advocate for the freedom to read as head of the Intellectual Freedom Task Force. As an ALA member, Skip has dedicated much of his time to participating in the association’s divisions, committees and task forces. In 2016, he joined the board for United for Libraries: The Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends, and Foundations, a division of ALA that supports those who govern, promote, advocate, and fundraise for all types of libraries. He was president of United in 2017-18. He also chaired United’s Intellectual Freedom, Advocacy, & Public Policy Committee for three years and continues to serve and develop tools and training for trustees.
Skip co-chaired the ALA Rebranding Project, a task aimed at increasing ALA’s visibility beyond the library sector and to attract library supporters and advocates. He now serves as the chair of the ALA Public Partner Steering Committee, which has supported a new public supporter program.
“Dye continues to be a dedicated and impactful leader in the library community and has stayed true to ALA’s mission ensuring access to information for all,” ALA President Cindy Hohl said.
ALA is slated to officially confer the honorary membership upon Skip this June during its Annual Conference in Philadelphia.