The Empire State Building Turns Green in Honor of 98 Weeks of GREENLIGHTS
Matthew McConaughey‘s GREENLIGHTS (Crown) is currently going on 98 weeks on the New York Times Bestsellers List, with no hint of slowing down. GREENLIGHTS is McConaughey’s memoir, an unflinching look at his life and what he calls “a guide to catching more greenlights.” As an iconic and one-of-a-kind surprise, Crown worked with McConaughey’s team to turn the Empire State Building green!

Celebrating on top of the Empire State Building.
McConaughey was surprised by his wife, Camila Alves, who proceeded to present him with a handwritten scrapbook congratulating him on three years of GREENLIGHTS and his nearly 100 weeks of the New York Times Bestsellers list. From there, he was taken to the Empire State Building where he had the honor of flipping the switch and turning the New York City skies green himself! You can see the entire video, including McConaughey’s very genuine reaction, here in an Entertainment Weekly segment.
Matthew McConaughey posted about the landmark event on his Instagram here, and even the Empire State Building had something to say.

As a surprise to McConaughey, Crown worked with his team, including his wife, Camila Alves, to turn the Empire State Building green in honor of GREENLIGHTS’s amazing run of 98 weeks on the New York Times Bestseller list.